Priscilla Barnes
In a world where 42% of Americans are obese, weight loss is on everyone’s mind. If you’re not pursuing it, you have a friend, co-worker, or family member who is.
Weight loss is only a path to the real goal: wellness.
Obesity increases the risk of a laundry list of diseases, we all would like to avoid.
Whether you are obese or not, you likely are wanting to avoid it. Whether you’re trying to lose 10 pounds or 200 pounds, you likely are wanting to avoid disease in the future.
A lot of people in the health and wellness industry have deemed certain thoughts toward obesity as toxic. And they’re probably right.
However, it’s important to take a good look in the mirror. To address the reality that obesity carries with it.
It is possible to be kind to yourself AND to acknowledge that something needs to change.
It is possible to embrace your actions that are causing your decline without feelings of guilt.
Because we all have areas in our lives that need improvement. We all could improve our wellness in some way.
That is why it’s important to know how weight loss works. If that is a part of your health and wellness journey, then let’s discuss the basics.
Weight loss happens when there is more energy being spent than there is coming in.
Think of a financial exchange.
If you deposit $500 into a bank account, then turn around and only spend $200 on that account’s debit card, you’ll have a surplus of $300.
Exchange that money for energy (or calories). Over time, an excess of calories being deposited into your body creates weight gain.
Therefore, in order to lose weight, there needs to be what is called a deficit in energy.
Enter a calorie deficit.
Calorie deficits happen when you have more energy being spent than being deposited.
There are many ways to get there.
You could increase your expenditure via avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, walking more, moving more, incorporating workouts, building muscle to increase the amount of calories you burn at rest.
You could decrease your intake via avoiding high calorie content food, incorporating more fruits and vegetables (which have less calories than most processed foods), decrease your intake of liquid calories, etc.
This is the basic of basic explanations.
So why don’t more people just start moving more and eating less to hit their goals?
Because there’s more to it than that.
Oftentimes people start on a path, see results, but are unable to maintain the results because their path was too extreme.
This is why it’s not only about losing weight, and it never should be.
To overcome obesity, to turn about a tide of health problems secondary to obesity, it’s about wellness, and weight loss is only a part of it.
Want to hear more about my approach? Send me an email.
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